Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Oooh show me some shuues..... and some other random gubbins...

Ah the love of shoes is strong in this one.  I do love them so.

So on a recent 12 o'clock wine induced online shopping fail I purchased a few beauties that I felt I need to share with no one. :)

I love shoes me.  Unfortunately my feet are like two slabs of matured beef and so getting beautiful shoes to look beautiful on me is like a pig wearing them.  Ha but this is not a pity party. I don't so much care that my feet are not of model stature. I am more interested in getting them out and popping them on and thinking these are delish!

So my first pair of inappropriate bad boys.....

The velvet vixens...

Mahoosive heel, wedge front, silver details on the front blue black velvet finish.  Nigh on impossible to walk in.  I intend sitting a great deal when I wear these whilst daintily sipping a mojito. And maybe some nuts.....
The Velvet Vixens slightly more sensible sister - Joan
See a pair of shoes you like. Buy a second pair that are almost identical. What?! I said I had obsessions...
Slightly lower, slightly less blingy with a heel bow and bling detail.  Lovely. I can walk in these. Bonus. 
The hideous but beautiful wedge babies
These are so god damn ugly they are beautiful.  And they were a steal from DP's at £5. What the what!! Yes 5 spondoolies.  You couldn't leave them behind for that. I will wear these with a floaty kaftan while drinking beverages in Manchester.  Ok I may save them till I travel to warmer climes!
Clearly not shoes....
But a striped jacket. I loved a good blazer. I think they smarten any outfit and can dress up a work dress. I do hope that they don't disappear with the warmer weather as I love this one and I can't wait to wear it with some boyf jeans and a shirt.
And finally...
Some gorgeous Michael Kors earrings from my lovely dude.  Lush..
So that's my random Wednesday post. I like this blogging lark. Normally these things are just in my little head but now I get to write them down.
Happy Hump Day!
Mwahhh xx 

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Schwiiiiinggg obsessed

In terms of keeping up with fashion I generally don't. I find something I like and I stick to what I know. I am a fashion dullard.

I love reading people's blogs about what they wear and it often makes me look at outfits in a different light but having the genes of a Jersey cow means I have a Lardy bum and hooters that have their own postcode. Thus I cannot wear some items of clothes without it being a scandal.

So I try to dress for my shape and swing dresses are an absolute dream. But it depends on how they are cut. Not enough swing and it looks like a straight cut dress that is too big for me. Too much swing and people start asking "when is it due"

So. I digress. I have bought several over the last few weeks and I bloofin loves these bad boys. I have posted the two that I like the mostest and that I have received the nicest comments about. Both are coincidentally from very. A bloody catalogue no less. The black one is an AX Paris dude and the other by Glamorous. Not expensive at all but great dresses. They don't feel cheap and they have just the right amount of schwingingness. I wear them with ultra thick tights and some cute ankle boots and Doug's your uncle. Perfect.

I shall be purchasing some more styles of these in the not so distant.

Anyhoo it's Sunday. Why the heck am I blogging and not sleeping/eating. please. Oh and a buttie xx

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Here's how I hoard...

I am always fascinated by how people store their stash. Me personally, I have drawers and boxes and tubs and baskets and more drawers.  I love a clutter. I also don't use 75% of the stuff I own. The shame.

I larf when my girls come over before a night out and they love a rummage in my drawers. Ooer missus. The thing is if I find a product I like, I like to buy similar products just incase it's better.  In every colour. It's an addiction I know!

So this blog was sort of a shameful insight into my organisational woes. Am hoping that this might prompt me into doing something. I need Dean from overboard to come fix me some drawers! And if you have no idea who Dean is get queuing Overboard on Netflix. Pure class!
Off shopping on the morrow. Expect big things

Mwahhhh xx

Monday, 10 March 2014

Monday musings - The good the bad and the downright fugly

So Monday has rolled into view again - and it sucks so I thought I would cheer myself up by writing about stuff.  As you do.  And I thought now would be a good time to discuss some stuff I got at Christmas and how its all working out for me.

I love Christmas I do.  Anyone who knows me knows that Christmas is a time for searching for my presents in advance of the big man coming and deciding if I like them and if not dropping mahoosive hints that I wouldn't want one of those under any circumstances.

There are 2 routes that my gifts can go down.

  1. Love them - they are then used to death and are never out of my sight and I buy numerous replacements - just in case.
  2. Hate them - they live in a box under my bed/in wardrobe in spare room until I can fob them off to a friend/neighbour/window cleaner.
So this years winners were:-

Estella Bartlett necklace from my little rock chick.  This is so cute and although not real silver I think its just the sweetest thing.  My neck hasn't gone green yet.
Estella Bartlett Love necklace - sweet
Ha - check out my attempt at fancy pantsing my blog up with the little hearts on my pics.....

Eve Lom Day Cream

Yeah - I do like this stuff but for me it works as more of a night cream than a day cream. Its really heavy on your skin and although it is very moisturising it is a bit too greasy for under your makeup.  It doesn't particularly smell of anything but its an ok product.  Would I repurchase? Nah probably not but I will carry on using it.

Crème De La Mer

Oh how I lusted after this product. I would dreamily float past the counter in Selfridges in the hope that they would call me over and slap some on my face or offer me a sample. But alas no, they were too busy with their calculators adding up their massive profits.  However, the lovely one in my life purchased me some at Christmas.  Great. Brilliant. Dream come true. But no.  I don't like it.  There have said it.  I expected to pop some on before bed and wake up with skin like Zoey Deschanel.  I persevered in the hope that it was a grower and over time I would notice some miracle.  But it just never delivered.  Such a shame as it looks so good and the pot is so super.  Its just a bit meh. 

Celestial - Lush

This moisturiser from Lush is good. I have had sensitive skin over the lids of my eyes for a while and someone recommended this and so I bought it on a whim.  It doesn't make my eyes sore which is a bonus and it does moisturise but that's about it.  So I can recommend it of you have sensitive skin and you are lacking in moisture but don't buy it if you want a product that will change your life.
Artistic web design and illustration is my forte don't you know...
I ENVY - Lashes (Primark!)
Whilst popping into Primark for some bits (Bits that end up costing you a small fortune because you buy so much bloody stuff)  I spotted these lashes and as a lash obsessed freak I thought I would give them a whirl.  For £3 you can't leave them behind. I got 2 pairs.  These ones that are called paparazzi and another that were called flirty.  And they are actually REALLY good.  No I mean REALLY good.  The flirty ones are quite natural but are extra thick towards the edges so they give you the cat eye effect.  Some lashes are just too long and I end up looking a bit drag queen but I really liked these and will be making a repurchase of several thousand boxes. 
I ENVY - Lashes
And finally....the bad!....
Revlon - Studio Secrets High Def foundation.
This was a pile of poo.  No really.  You are supposed to pump the foundation at the bottom and it filters through to a flat brush at the top.  2 in 1 what more could you want. Well a button that works for a start.  You have to have thumb/finger muscles of a champion finger wrestler. I ended up banging the end on the wall because it is so difficult and when the stuff finally does come through the brush smears it onto your skin rather than blending it.  The texture is thick but the colour is slightly yellowy.  I just did not get this product at all which is a shame as I normally rate Revlon.

There now, that wasn't too painful was it?

Mwahhh xxxxx

Saturday, 8 March 2014

This month I will mostly be obsessing...

.......About my Christmas weight gain. Pffft!   Its been a while I know and that's because I have mainly been eating my way through all of the Christmas goodness that we have left over.
And the knock on affect of that is a whopping great big 10lb weight gain. And I am pretty sure it's all on my arse.

So I am on a gym missioni. Its difficult being more generous in the body proportions at the gym as you need to go to lose the bulge, but the bulge at the gym in those bloody lycra pants is oh so shocking.
Anyway enough ramblings. I will try and blog about it to see if that helps. Oh the shame!

So recent cosmetic purchases....Naked3 palette, by terry baume de rose, dr hauschka rose day cream and L'oreal thickening shampoo (I am an absolute sucker for an ad campaign promising locks like the chick on the tellybox)

Hmmmm. What to say about this. I want to love it. I really do.....but I just, well, don't. I have loved my other UDs and so had a little dance when I saw the gorgeous metal box with its promise of soft pinks and new neutral shades. I cracked it open with all the anticipation of creating a beautiful romantic, natural smokey eye. The reality? I can create a look similar to having been punched hard in the eye.  I keep trying to make it work but so far nada. If anyone has any tips on how I can make this work, purlease tell me!

By Terry lip balm
Pink, rosey lushness in a pot. Gorgeous. Makes my cats bum pout all soft and delicious. Any dryness is banished. Its a miracle in a pot. Expensive but worth it if you suffer from cracked dry lipage like me.

Rose day cream
Heard rave reviews about this stuff so got some online. Its ok. I think. I havent noticed any reversal of age or had anyone ask if I have had botox yet but I do like putting it on. Its very thick and quite oily and my skin does feel soft when its on but yet to think I need this in my life llets order 6 tubes *just incase* so yeah.

L'oreal thickening shampoo
Having grown my hair back to a reasonable length after chopping it all off in a moment of 'I can rock the shorter look' madness - its come back quite thin. So when I saw some chickette flinging her thick locks about in an ad on the telly I thought, yeah baby. And I love it! My hair DID feel thicker and it DID feel softer. Imagine that. A product that does what it says on the tin. So will be using this as part of my daily douching in the hope that the next time I am flinging my locks about someone says ooh what do you use.

Ok off for a sausage sarnie. Diet starts tomorrow. Mmwwaahhhhh xxx

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