Wednesday 19 March 2014

Oooh show me some shuues..... and some other random gubbins...

Ah the love of shoes is strong in this one.  I do love them so.

So on a recent 12 o'clock wine induced online shopping fail I purchased a few beauties that I felt I need to share with no one. :)

I love shoes me.  Unfortunately my feet are like two slabs of matured beef and so getting beautiful shoes to look beautiful on me is like a pig wearing them.  Ha but this is not a pity party. I don't so much care that my feet are not of model stature. I am more interested in getting them out and popping them on and thinking these are delish!

So my first pair of inappropriate bad boys.....

The velvet vixens...

Mahoosive heel, wedge front, silver details on the front blue black velvet finish.  Nigh on impossible to walk in.  I intend sitting a great deal when I wear these whilst daintily sipping a mojito. And maybe some nuts.....
The Velvet Vixens slightly more sensible sister - Joan
See a pair of shoes you like. Buy a second pair that are almost identical. What?! I said I had obsessions...
Slightly lower, slightly less blingy with a heel bow and bling detail.  Lovely. I can walk in these. Bonus. 
The hideous but beautiful wedge babies
These are so god damn ugly they are beautiful.  And they were a steal from DP's at £5. What the what!! Yes 5 spondoolies.  You couldn't leave them behind for that. I will wear these with a floaty kaftan while drinking beverages in Manchester.  Ok I may save them till I travel to warmer climes!
Clearly not shoes....
But a striped jacket. I loved a good blazer. I think they smarten any outfit and can dress up a work dress. I do hope that they don't disappear with the warmer weather as I love this one and I can't wait to wear it with some boyf jeans and a shirt.
And finally...
Some gorgeous Michael Kors earrings from my lovely dude.  Lush..
So that's my random Wednesday post. I like this blogging lark. Normally these things are just in my little head but now I get to write them down.
Happy Hump Day!
Mwahhh xx 

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